Event: More FAQs
Q: I’ve never been to an unconference - is this likely to be fun and interesting?
A: Didn’t we see you nodding off at the last set-format conference? CLSWest’s unconference format allows you to set the program agenda—and attend sessions that are of specific interest to you.
Q: How should I dress?
A: This is a Saturday—and it’s the Bay area! Make it casual.
Q: Can I bring a friend?
A: Only one requirement: be sure that friend is passionate about community and willing to participate. He/she can register online or at the event.
Q: Will I have to stay the entire day?
A: CLSWest has only one Law: The Law of Two Feet. You attend the sessions you want—you leave the sessions you do not find interesting—you leave CLSWest when your feet are ready to go, but we hope you will stay until the dinner party in the evening!
Q: How can I learn more about the Community Leadership Summit in Portland?
A: CLSWest is an offshoot of Community Leadership Summit in Portland, which originally started when OSCON visited Silicon Valley in 2009. You can check it out further at: http://www.communityleadership.com/
Q: I am not currently actually in community management—but I’d like to attend CLSWest find out if community management is for me.
A: That sounds great. Anyone willing to Share, Learn & Grow around community-related topics is welcome!
Q: CLSWest sounds neat—but how much will it cost me?
A: Not a dime! Even the refreshments and lunch are provided at no cost to participants.
Q: I’m really a dud and not likely to participate or get passionate about marketing.
A: Please think of a way you can contribute. Perhaps you can take notes and contribute them to our wiki.
Top 5 Proposed Topics
- Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs
- The Art of Social Media
- Getting the Right People to Talk about Your Company
- Growth Hacking with Community: Scaling Social Engagement
- Content Marketing, Content Creation and Content Curation